Check out this book at Booth Number 5.0 B122 - FRANKFURTER BUCHMESSE October 18-22, 2023

TITLE: Dr. Gerald 30 dias de Agonia
SUBTITLE: Heroe de la Medicina
AUTHOR: Dr. Olga Lattarulo & Max Torres
ISBN: 978-1-5065-4963-7
LANGUAGES: Spanish/Portuguese



This book is a faithful testimony of the one-month day to day struggle of endless agony with a journalist's own narrative. It also portrays the life of Dr. Gerald Yanayaco, a physician who left Peru to travel the world with the sole purpose of serving others using his vast and diverse medical expertise. Gerald was one of the few Peruvian doctors who managed to embrace 3 medical specialties, graduating and practicing medicine in 3 countries while communicating to his patients in 3 different languages.

The truly inspiring story of Dr. Gerald reveals a remarkable individual who traveled the world utilizing his medical expertise. In addition to being a brilliant physician, Gerald was a humanitarian who was dedicated to share his faith by serving others often sacrificing his own well-being. Dr Gerald had a passion to serve the poor and downtrodden and treat those who were less fortunate. His medical knowledge and wisdom had a unique way of putting light in the darkness. The impact of his more than 40 years as a health professional and the enormous legacy he leaves will continue to have an impact on the medical world.


 Dr. Olga Lattarulo, who is a journalist, poet, and university professor from Boston, puts into perspective the intense 30 day struggle her brother faced from the effects of the COVID-19 virus. A seemingly never-ending fight for life and agony from an individual who previously touched everyone who met him with his gifts of love, passion, kindness, and joy.  Gerald’s early life began in Tápuc which is located in the mountains of Cerro de Pasco, in Peru, At the age of 11, Gerald traveled to continue his secondary studies at the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe National College and later graduated as a doctor at the National University Federico Villarreal, in Lima, during this journey Dr Gerald gained wisdom and knowledge from his many achievements and often communicated the phrase, “yes, you can".


 After graduating as a doctor, Gerald worked in various hospitals and clinics for years in Peru before leaving for the United States to study his second specialty. He worked in hospitals in Pennsylvania, New York, and Boston where he opened his own clinic for the care of the skin and rejuvenation. Dr. Gerald later took the many life lessons and medical expertise with him to Brazil to pursue a third specialty in cosmetic surgery.


 His life was a total dedication to medicine until he was infected with COVID-19. In this book, Dr. Olga narrates with her heart felt testimony the first meeting she had with her brother in a gloomy COVID-19 ward from the Tramandai hospital, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She begged the doctors on duty to let her be with her brother risking her life by violating health protocols.


 In that COVID-19 pavilion or death row, she was able to see her brother intubated, trapped by the deadly virus that has caused so much pain and death throughout the world.  Doctor Gerald became infected while saving lives at that hospital in Brazil which was one the hardest hit countries that devastated by the coronavirus.  At that time, Brazil was considered a threat to global public health.


 Dr. Lattarulo recounts her experiences, her daily life in Tramandai, one of the Porto Alegre spas impacted by daily deaths from COVID-19.  I was by her side for more than 15 days; everything terrified us and we looked in amazement at the bodies lying on the streets of people who had died in their homes and that their own family had taken them out to avoid contagion and death.  We saw this terrifying picture almost every day as we walked between the apartment where Dr. Gerald lived his last days and the hospital.  Olga describes, in detail, everything that she could see and smell in the 30 days of agony and then the outcome that destroyed her life, transforming her into a state of permanent agony. I have never witnessed an individual who felt so much pain or saw so many rivers of tears for the death of a loved one.


 More than a year has passed and until now I am still moved by her pain from the loss of her only brother, who as Olga often expresses was the best doctor in the world. This ordeal has left many gaps in her life and what she wants with this book is to transmit all Dr. Gerald’s teachings, his daily struggles as now using a doctor to save lives, his desire to help his patients by paying for their medicines with his own funds because he said "why should I examine them otherwise they will have to buy the medicines".  Hence, people called him the doctor of the poor and neediest.  There are many personal attributed to Dr. Gerald’s impact and that is how we will remember him, as one of the greatest doctors and humanitarian.

 RIGHTS CONTACT: Dr. Olga Lattarulo& Max Torres

WHATSAPP: + 01 781 296 1005
FACEBOOK: Olga Arminda